Standard carrier is UPS. Click here to check time in transit.
All orders with a firm ship date must be shipped via UPS.
We ship from 53186, Waukesha, WI
Orders weighing less than 1 pound may be shipped via USPS First Class Mail or Ground Advantage, which add an extra day to production time.
FedEx adds at least one extra day to production time. Due to unreliable pickup service in our area, we cannot guarantee ship dates via FedEx.
UPS is strongly recommended for all time-sensitive orders.
Exquisite Images is not responsible for carrier delays.
Factory reserves the right to ship and bill 2% over/under. Does not apply to items with personalization.
Customer-provided shipping labels are not accepted on domestic orders.
Shipping Charges
Shipping and handling charges are determined and charged to the provided credit card at the time of shipment.
We do not provide shipping quotes, only estimates. Actual shipping charges may be greater than provided estimates due to carrier and packaging fluctuations.
We cannot anticipate carton size and weight in advance on all orders.
Listed carton size is subject to change without notice based on availability.
Master carton charges are included in shipping and handling charges.
Chargebacks to our UPS, Fedex, or LTL accounts for address corrections, undeliverable addresses, address changes, residential addresses, limited access deliveries, inside deliveries, or other charges, will be invoiced.
3rd Party Shipments
UPS 3rd party shipments incur a $6.25 (G) fee plus any applicable carton charges.
Fedex 3rd party shipments incur a $9.50 (G) fee plus any applicable carton charges. Note that FedEx adds at least one extra day to production time. Due to unreliable pickup service in our area, we cannot guarantee ship dates via FedEx. Ship via UPS if your order requires a firm ship date.
DHL 3rd party shipments incur a $9.50 (G) fee plus any applicable carton charges. Shipping labels must be provided to the factory via email. Our shipping department will schedule the pickup.
Include the billing account zip code on your PO in addition to the shipper account number.
Master carton charges apply on 3rd party shipments, $6.25 (G) per carton for handling and packaging materials.
Chargebacks to our UPS, Fedex,DHL, or LTL accounts for address corrections, undeliverable addresses, address changes, residential addresses, limited access deliveries, inside deliveries, or other charges, will be invoiced.
Drop Shipping & Fulfillment
Names and addresses must be provided in Excel per our specifications.
Please allow at least 3 business days for address verification after submitting spreadsheet.
Tracking information will be provided approximately 24 hours after shipment.
Drop ship charge of $10.00 (C) per address includes packaging for most items under 5 pounds. The first address is included. Does not apply to name badges, see below for details.
Carrier freight charges are additional.
Returns and reshipments will incur a $25 (C) charge plus applicable carrier freight charges.