Format copy changes exactly as you want them to appear, paying attention to capitalization, extra or missing spaces, correct spelling, and line breaks.
Copy changes that do not meet these requirements, or Excel files that needs modification to ensure accurate data transfer, will incur a typesetting fee at a rate of $60 (G) per hour.
Art File Setup
One .eps or .pdf template along with an Excel spreadsheet for copy changes should be submitted.
We will generate the individual personalized layouts and send proofs for each.
Copy changes should be in text format, not outlines, to enable editing on your order and any future reorders.
Do not send a file with a layout for each copy change, we are not able to use it due to the time required to place, resize, color correct and troubleshoot individual art files. We will use your Excel sheet to generate the individual layouts.
We do not accept copy changes in .eps, .pdf .jpg or any other file format, other than .xls or .xlsx.
Only use fonts that you have a TrueType format font file available for. If we do not have the font, we will request the font file. If you do not have it, we will substitute a font that we have available.
If you have questions, please talk to us before setting up your file to avoid rework.
Keep it Simple!
Submit all artwork with text in text format, not objects, for easier editing on your order and any reorders.